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Średnia ocena 5 / 5. Liczba głosów: 2
Na razie brak ocen! Bądź pierwszy, który oceni.
Maximum glazing thickness: 30 mm
Max. sound insulation Rw=41 dBA
Uw from 1,3 (W/m²K)
Please check cross sections and surveys
Sliding 2, 3, 4 and 6 leaf. Single-track and three-track running rails (1 sash+1 fixed glazing).
Sashes can be joined at 90º without a post corner.
Galandage-1 and 2 wings
SIZES: Frame 116 mm, 182 mm three-track frame, sash 37 mm
Width of thermal break: from 16 to 24 mm
Width(L)= 2,200 mm , Height(H)= 3,000 mm
Maximum weight/wing 320 Kg
For other types, please consult maximum dimensions and weight.
Air permeability (EN 12207:2001): Class 4
Waterproofing (EN 12208:2001): Class 7A
Wind load resistance (EN 12210:2001): Class C5
Door reference test 1.23 x 1.55 m, 1 leaf + 1 fixed glazing
Two-colour option
RAL paint (spotted, rough)
Varnishing - wood imitation
Antimicrobial varnishing